BSNL JE (TTA) Exam 2016 Results

BSNL JE (TTA) Exam 2016 Results

BSNL successful candidates would be required to undergo a re-appointment training procedure.

all the speculations about the results and the absence of official notification are increasing uncertainty among candidates. In the month of September, the exam was held and now the results are yet to be released. It was conducted on September 25 to 29. All the candidates who had appeared for the BSNL JE examination 2016 must be waiting for the results eagerly. The exam was conducted for filling a total of 2700 posts of Telecom Technical Assistant (TTA) & Junior Engineer (JE).
The company has already released the cut-off marks and the answer key of the said exam. As per as the examination norms, as compared to the reserved classes the general students have a higher cut -off. Though the candidates are still confused and have a very little idea about their performance in the exam. Thus, the candidates those who had appeared for the examination are expecting that the results will be declared soon. 
Once the BSNL JE TTA results 2016 will be declared on the official website, candidates need to log on to the official website of BSNL. Then on the homepage, candidates need to click on the link under status saying Results Declared in the subsequent column against Advt. 7-1/2016 for Junior Engineers. Then they need to enter their roll number & password in the provided field. The result will be displayed on the screen and the aspirants should download the result, save it for future use.
After the result declaration as specified by the BSNL successful candidates would be required to undergo a re-appointment training procedure. All the selected candidates are required to successfully complete the same as the training procedure is part of the company policy. And if they fail to complete the training process their appointment shall be terminated.


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